Together We Can Provide Better Life to All African Children
Your Donation Can Change Lives
Of course, we can only cope with the work with the help of supporters.
Pure Hearts & HopeWelfare Mission is an officially registered NGO in Uganda.
Since we don’t have our own association in Germany, we are grateful to have got to know an organization in Germany that represents us there and issues donation receipts that are recognized by the tax authorities.
HOPE for YOU e.V, Buchäckerweg 31, 91224 Pommelsbrunn
Tel: 09154 9480226 | email: | Website:
Our Saviors
Donate to PH&H Uganda:
Credit institution: Raiffeisenbank eG Hersbruck
IBAN: DE83 7606 1482 0502 662H4 18 | BIC: GENODEF1HSB
For the first transfer, please include your name, address and email.
If you don’t need a donation receipt, you can also use my German account: Eva-Maria Wenger, Commerzbank
IBAN: DE39 6044 0073 0474 7606 00 | BIC COBADEFFXXX
-no tax office recognized donation receipt possible-